Mezxunarodju astronomju gazet. Astronomia dla profesju astronomnikis.

copernicus.gif (38733 bytes)
Slavju nauknik Nikolas Kopernikus (Nicolas Copernicus) 1473-1543

Konstantin Eduardovicx Ciolkovski
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Juri Gagarin, pervju kozmosnautic
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Valentina Teresxkova, pervju kozmosnautica

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Eugene A. Cernan
(Cxernan) Kozmonaut

rudjer-boskovic-portrait.jpg (22333 Byte)
Rudjer Boskovicx
Sergei Pavlovicx Korolev



Li bolsxenie kozmos bu stopijt i startijt mensxenie vo din velgustju grudka? Li mi es osudilju, tak ili tak, esli mi prezxibume vse buvremju ledperiodis, teplenies, ili zmenenie om nasx sunce vo Nova? Tugde es kratju perezglad vse naivazxnju kozmoslogju teorias.

Inju Modelis.

1.) "Velju Vibuh Teoria" utverdit priblizuo tut: Vo nacxitie, vse mater-energia bil sotiskilju vo din grudka; do tot vrem gda nekai neznalju deianie ot-stabilil tut masa i startil ogromju vibuh. Ot tamktor vrem, mater-energia bil sxiritsju, sovremuo tvoritsju galaktias, zvezdis, planetis.

2.) "Pulsitsju Kozmos Teoria" idijt esxte dale. Ono gvorijt zxe posle Velju Vibuh mater-energia (ili kozmos) bu bolsxit do gda upotrebijt vse svoi kinetju engergia, i posle, usled pritiazxenie, bu mensxit, vzad vo svoi origju sotiskilju form. Tut bolsxenies i mensxenies (ili pulsenies) deiajut bezkoncuo. Cikl posle cikl. Vsektor cikl vremijt neskolk gigalion rocxis. Rovnuo zxe tut es nai-prinalju model dnes, tut Pulsitsju Model ne imajt dostatokju obiasnenie om silas pozad "Velju Vibuhis" i tozx ne obiasnijt "kozmosju konstant".

3.) "Stoianju-Status Teoria" predmnijt zxe bolsxenie kozmosuf es bezkoncju, i zxe novju galaktias (iz novju mater-energia) formijut bezprerivuo vo tvoritsju mexzu-galaktj u prostoris; i usled bolsxenie sovremuo so tvorenie novju mater-energia kozmos podderzxijt svoi gustost i struktur. Tut teoria predmnijt egzistenie om "otrazxitsju sila" ktor rovnvazxijt pritiazxenie.

Kozmoslogju Konstant.

Sporju "konstant" tvorilju, i plus pozd otrecxilju ot Einstein, no esxte upotrebitju ot fiznikis, tapocx tut konstant "obiasnijt" tamktor astronomju zgladenies ktor pokazijut zxe sovremju bolsxenie kozmosuf  es bistruvitsju vzamen medljuvitsju - sxto protirecxijt oba "Velju Vibuh" i tozx "Pulsitsju Kozmos" teorias.

Cxernju Diras.

Naivelju i naigustju zvezdis (galaktju sredis?) es pravdapodobuo "Cxernju Diras". (Ne smesxajte tut velju  cxernju diras so teorju "malju cxernju dirkas"). Cxernju Diras es zvezdis ktor masa veljuvil do takai velost zxe toi pritiazxenie es takai silaju zxe nisxto, ni svetlo, mozx ubegijt.  Dla vonju sleditel, oni (neocxekauo?) cxernijut ili iscxezijut. Sfera pritiazxenief obkrugitsju tut zvezdis i blokitsju onivoi svetlo imenijt "horizont deianief". Dla vnutrju sleditel, formenie om "horizont deianief" dalkijt obkrugju zvezdis vo bezkoncie. Formenie om "horizont deianief" ziavijt dla vnutrju sleditel takak vibuh prostoruf. Dla vnutrju sleditel, tapocx svetlo jehajt "bezkoncuo" (bez dosagenie) do "horizont deianief", tot "Cxernju Dira" es bezkoncju Kozmos, nerazpoznamju (velost i slozxost) ot nasx Kozmos. Dla tot vnutrju sleditel tot "Cxernju Dira" es din unikatju Kozmos, tapocx oni nemozxijut sledit nasx (vonju) Kozmos.


Prede zvezd statijt Cxernju Dira, vse onof ogromju masa es sotiskilju vo relativuo malju mesto. Tusxto es pravdaju dla vonju sleditel, tozx posle tut zvezd iscxezijt pozad "Horizont Deianief". No dla vnutrju sleditel, ziavenie om horizont deianief, neocxekauo tvorijt kruguo onif bezkoncju prostor, tiskits "Vonju Kozmos" do bezkoncief. Tut "prostorju vibuh" spuskijt ogromju masaju vibuh, ("Velju Vibuh") om masa sosredilju vo sred om tut Cxernju Dira. Novju Kozmos rodijt, nesledimju iz von. Tut novju Uroven kozmosuf idijt cxerez odnakju razvitie takak plus visxju (vonju) Urovenis kozmosuf . Posle nacxitsju vibuh tut Uroven Kozmosuf bolsxijt, mater-energia tvorijt planetis, zvezdis, galaktias. Mater-energia padatsju vo tut Uroven iz vonok posle formenie om horizont deianief, bistrjuvijt bolsxenie (= Otrazxitsju Kozmologju Sila). Utratenie mater-energiaf iz tut Uroven vo plus nizju Urovenifs (vo Cxernju Diras), medljuvijt bolsxenie (= Pritiagatsju Kozmologju Sila). Sovremuo sledimju bolsxenie nasx Urovenuf Kozmosuf (Hublevoi i Kozmologju Konstantis) originijt iz scxitanie om Otrazxitsju i Pritiagatsju Kozmologju Silas i om ostatju kinetju energia iz originju Velju-Vibuh om this Uroven Kozmosuf. Zavisuo ot tut sxitanie razlicxju silas, bolsxenie ili mensxenie om nasx Uroven Kozmosuf bu zmenitsju.

Nekai voprosis obiasnilju.

Obdumame zxe prostor-vrem es nerazdelimju ot mater-energia. Tapocx vse mater-energia padatsju vo nasx Uroven (vo nasx Cxernju Dira) iz plus visxju Uroven, prinesijt prinalezxitsju prostor-vrem i bolsxijt nasx Uroven Kozmosuf . Podobuo, vse mater-energia padatsju iz nasx Uroven Kozmosuf vo plus nizju Urovenifs, otbrajt prinalezxitsju mnogost prostor-vremuf, i mensxijt nasx Uroven Kozmosuf. Vse Cxernju Diras ktor formijut vnutr nasx Uroven, koncuo bu fuzit vo din Cxernju Veldira, i koncuo bu edat vse mater-energia i prinadlezxitsju prostor-vrem iz nasx Uroven. Koncuo, nasx celoju Uroven, vse prostor-vrem i vsesxto, bu padat vo tut plus nizju Uroven (vo Cxernju Veldira). Sxto deiat gda dva "Kozmosis", dva Cxernju Diras fuzijut vo din? Sxto deiat so zvezdis, planetis, galaktias, civilizacias vnutr? Mozxuo obitateli tut "Kozmosis" vnimajut nisxto. No es tozx mozxju zxe tut fuzia prinesijt ogromju nicxenie.

Vo inju slovis.

Vo inju slovis kazxdju novju Cxernju Dira ktor formijt vo nasx "Kozmos" (nasx Uroven) mozx but obdumatju kak novju Kozmos (Uroven). Tapocx tut Cxernju Dira zanajt tolk neskolk kvadratju kilometris om nasx prostor, neznacxijt zxe to es malju. Dla vnutrju sleditel tut odnakju Cxernju Dira mozx but gigalionis kvadratju svetlorocxis velju. Faktuo, esli bi bil mozxuo merit tut Cxernju Diras, es mozxju zxe mi bi uzjavili zxe nektor Cxernju Diras es bolsx velju cxem nasx Kozmos (Uroven Kozmosuf). Tapocx oni es vnutr nasx Kozmos (Uroven Kozmosuf) neznacxijt zxe oni es maljusx cxem nasx Kozmos (Uroven Kozmosuf). Tut predmet es slozxju dla razumenie, no vonju velost om tut Cxernju Diras nepokazijt onivoi "realju" vnutrju velost. To es odnakju takak imat slon vo malju mesxok. Zname zxe vo tot mesxok es slon, no nezname kak velju es tot slon.


Krom obiasnenie nektor problemis om inju teorias, Mnog-Urovenju Model Kozmosuf   predlozxijt tozx novju mozxost dla obiasnenie om Supernovas: vo kritikju vrem formenief om novju Cxernju Dira ("novju Kozmos"), formenie om "horizont deianief" mozx but nesoverhju, i "Velju Vibuh" mozx prenikit vzad vo nasx Uroven i sovremuo nicxitsju svoi "horizont deianief".

Mezxu-Urovenju jehanie.

Li mi negda mozx uziavit kak jehat mezxu razlicxju Urovenis? Mozxuo da. Specialuo jehanie vniz, ko plus nizju i plus mlodju Urovenis dolzx but mozxju, esli uziavime kak prezxit peresecxenie. Jehanie vgor, ko plus visxju, plus starju Urovenis mozx but plus slozxju. Tak esli vi imali strah iz predskazanies zxe Kozmos mozx koncijt posle priblizuo piatdes gigalion rocxis, veselijte! Mozxuo egzistijt izhod!

Skolk Urovenis egzistijut? Esxte nezname, no dumame zxe cxislo Urovenifs es koncju. Novju Urovenis es stoianuo tvoritsju dol, poki naistarju Urovenis iscxezijut. Sxto es obkrug naivisxju Uroven? Bezprostor. Razlicxuo ot nasx prezxivanie iz nasx obkrugju sledimju Vset, gde vidime predmetis plovitsju vo "pustju prostor", prostor ne egzistijt nezavisimuo ot materia. Prostor es tolk vlasnost materiaf. Plus tocxnuo, prostor-vrem es tolk vlasnost om mater-energia. I pritiazxenie es izkrivenie, ili "gustost-razlicxie" prostor-vremuf.

Vonzemlaju zxizn.

Obdumatsuo tolk ogromju velost nasx galaktiaf, egzistenie vonzemlaju zxiznuf es prakticxuo matematju uverenost. Ostatijt din vopros: "Gde?" Li mi bi ne mozxili vidit nekai ocxvidju dokazis om Vonzemlaju Inteligentost skroz nasx
teleskopis? I esli mi ne mozx, tak pocx?

Mozxuo zxe mezxu-Urovenju jehanie es normalju dla vse vpredilju civilizacias. Mozxuo nasx Uroven Kozmosuf es nestabilju, i gda obiavijut mezxu-Urovenju jehanie, oni otiehajut vo inju, plus stabilju ili plus interesju Urovenis.


Will the Universe stop expanding, and start shrinking into one superdense blob, taking everything with it? Are we doomed even if we survive all of the coming Ice-Ages, the Greenhouse Effect, or the Sun going Nova? First, here is a brief review of some of the most important cosmological concepts.

Other Models.

1.) The "Big-Bang Theory" claims roughly the following: In the beginning, all of the matter-energy was compressed together until some unknown event destabilized this mass and triggered off an enormous explosion (the Big-Bang). Ever since that time, the matter-energy has been expanding, in the process forming galaxies, stars, planets.

2.)The "Pulsating Universe Theory" goes a little bit further. It states that after the initial Bang the matter-energy (or the Universe) keeps expanding for X billion years until it exhausts its kinetic energy, and then due to gravitation starts shrinking back to its original compressed form. These expansions and contractions (or pulsations) are beleived to be happening indefinetely. One after the other. Each cycle taking a number of billions of years. Even though the most widely accepted model today, it lacks an adequate explanation for the forces behind the Big-Bangs and fails to account for the "cosmological constant".

3.) The "Steady-State Theory" presumes the expansion of the Universe to be infinite, with new galaxies (from new matter-energy) being continuously formed in the intergalactic spaces opening up. On the whole the Universe preserving its overall density and structure. It presumes the existence of a "repulsive force" that counterbalances the gravitational attraction.

Cosmological Constant.

A controversial "constant" created and later renounced by Einstein, but still used by physicists, because it "explains" those astronomical observations that show that the current expansion of the Universe has been accelerating, instead of decelerating, as would be assumed by the Big-Bang or
Pulsating theories. In fact this acceleration seems to contradict both of those theories.

Black Holes.

The largest and densest stars (galactic centers?) are thought to be so-called Black Holes. (Do not confuse these large Black Holes, with Black Miniholes, beleived to exist by some). Black Holes are stars which have increased in mass to the point where their gravitation reached such intensity that nothing, not even light, could escape it. To an outside observer, they (suddenly?) black-out, or disappear. The gravitational spheroid(?) surrounding these stars and blocking out their light is referred to as the "event horizon". To an inside observer, the formation of the event horizon would push out the surrounding stars into infinity. The formation of the event horizon would be perceived from the inside as a "space explosion". To an inside observer, since the light travels "forever" towards the event horizon, without ever really reaching it, the Black Hole would be infinitely large. In fact, to an inside observer the Black Hole would be an infinite Universe, indistinguishable from our own in size and complexity. To them it would be the only Universe, since they couldn't really observe ours.


Before a star becomes a Black Hole, all of its immense mass is compressed together in a relatively small space. This is still true, to an outside observer, after it winks out behind the event horizon. But to an inside observer, the "switching-on" of the event horizon suddenly creates around them an infinite space, pushing the "Outside Universe" into infinity. This "space explosion" triggers off a mass explosion,(a "Big Bang"), of the mass concentrated in the center of this Black Hole. A new "Universe" is born, unobservable from the outside. This new level of the Universe goes through the same stages of development as did the levels above (outside) it. After the initial explosion, it expands, the matter-energy forming planets, stars, galaxies. The matter-energy continuing to fall into this level from the outside after the formation of the event horizon, accelerates the expansion (=Repulsive Cosmological Force). The matter-energy loss from this level into lower levels (into Black Holes forming within), decelerates this expansion (=Attractive Cosmological Force). The currently observable expansion of our level (Hubble's and Cosmological Constants), is derived from the sum of the Repulsive and the Attractive Cosmological Forces, and the residual kinetic energy from the origina l "Big Bang". And this expansion (or contraction) of our level will be (and has been), changing with time accordingly.

Some questions explained.

We consider space-time to be inseparable from matter-energy. Therefore all the matter-energy falling into our level (into our Black Hole), from the higher level, brings with it the appropriate amount of space-time. Therefore it expands our level of the Universe. Likewise, all the matter-energy falling from our level into lower levels, takes with it the appropriate amout of space-time, and shrinks our level of the Universe. The multitude of Black Holes (Universes), forming within our level will eventually fuse into a single "Black Superhole", that will gobble up all of the matter-energy and its accompanying space-time from our level. In the end, our whole level, space-time and all, will fall into this lower level (into the Black Superhole). What happens when two "Universes", two Black Holes, fuse into one? What happens to the stars, planets, galaxies, civilizations within? It's possible that the denizens of these "Universes" are not even aware of it. But it's also possible that it brings with it unspeakable destruction.

In other words.

In other words each new Black Hole being formed in our (level of the) Universe could be thought of as a new (level of the) Universe. Just because this Black Hole occupies only a few cubic miles of space in our "Universe" that doesn't mean that it is small. The subjective space, the subjective size of this Black Hole for an inside observer could be billions of cubic lightyears. In fact, if we could measure it, we might find out that (subjectively) some Black Holes are bigger than our Universe. Just because they are within our Universe it doesn't mean that they have to be smaller than our Universe. It's hard to understand, but their observable "external diameter" has no relation to their "real size", (=subjective internal volume). It's like having an elephant in a briefcase. We know there is an elephant, the only question is, how big an elephant.

Super Novae.

In addition to explaining some of the inconsistencies of the other theories, the Multi-Level Model also offers a new explanation for the Super Nova phenomenon: In the critical period when a new Black Hole is being formed (a new "Universe"), the formation of the event horizon may be imperfect, and the Big-Bang may be externalized, exploding back into our level and destroying its event horizon at the same time.

Inter-Level Travel.

Can we ever figure out how to travel between the different levels? Quite possibly yes. Especially travelling down, to the lower and younger levels should be possible, if we can figure out how to survive the transition. Travelling up, to the higher, older levels may be a litle more difficult. So if you have ever been worried by predictions that the Universe may end in about fifty billion years or so, cheer up! There may be a way out yet!

How many levels are there? No way to tell, but the number is probably finite. New levels being constantly formed on the low end, while the oldest, highest levels get gobbled up. What is "outside" the highest level? Nonspace. Unlike our experience from the immediate, observable world, where we can see things floating in "empty space", space does not exist independently of matter. Space could be said to be a quality of matter. To be more exact, space-time could be said to be a quality of matter-energy. And gravitation is a distortion, or intensity (="density") differential in space-time.

Extraterrestrial Life.

Considering the size of our galaxy alone, the existence of
extraterrestrial intelligent life is for all practical considerations a mathematical certainty. The question that remains is: "Where?". Wouldn't we be able to see some obvious evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence through our telescopes? And if we can't, why? It is quite possible that the discovery of inter-level travel is common to all advanced civilizations. Perhaps our level of the Universe is unstable, and as soon as they discover inter-level travel, they move to other, more stable, or more interesting levels.



In 1984 Mark Hucko proposed an alternate cosmological theory, so-called Multi-Level Universe theory. This theory takes into account expansion of our level of the universe, which many believe to be the only one, as well as a finite beginning of our level of the universe, which we refer to as the big bang.

According to the Multi-Level Universe theory, higher levels of the universe keep falling into lower levels and so on at infinitum. According to Hucko the matter that keeps falling into a black hole while is seemingly falling into an infinitely small and dense place, from inside the black hole there is another perspective.

From the point of an observer inside the black hole the point of creation of the black hole appears as a big bang, as the beginning of his level of the universe. And all the matter falling from the higher level into the black hole, for the internal observer expands his universe. And as long as more matter keeps falling into his level of the universe from a higher level of the universe, his level keeps on expanding. As his level keeps on growing it starts losing matter into black holes within, i.e. into other even lower levels of the universe. At a point when the amount of matter falling into his level from a higher level equals to the amount of matter which this level loses to lower levels, his level of the universe stops expanding. When the amount of matter lost to lower levels (through falling-in into black holes within) exceeds the amount of matter falling in from the higher level, his level of the universe starts collapsing.

According to Mark Hucko, matter, energy, space and time, SMET for short, cannot exist one without the other. They are in fact different aspects of the same thing: SMET. So the more matter falls into a black hole, with that matter falling into that black hole falls in also the appropriate amount of engergy, space and time. So in fact the more matter falls in (accompanied by space) from the view of the internal observer his level of the universe keeps getting bigger. While for us black holes appear to be infinitely dense for an internal observer they appear infinitely large and empty, just an empty expanding space.

(This theory can be republished)


As it was not possible for the people in the middle ages to imagine that the earth is not flat, it is just as impossible for the modern day inquisitors in the cosmology to accept the idea that our universe is just a black-hole in a multi-level universe, that it has started as a big-star than as a black hole in the higher level of the universe and that it will eventually fall into a lower level, which will be the biggest black hole in our level of the universe, into which everything from our level will eventually fall. It is just these limited minds of the inquisitors which have been suppressing the multi-level cosmological model and who have been erasing it from the search engines and from the Wikipedia. Just because the earth is flat - in their minds - it must be flat also in the minds of the rest of the world.

Why Multi-Level Universe?

The main problem with Big-Bang, Steady-State and similar cosmological models is that they fail to explain such phenomena as the expansion of the universe, the beginning and the possible end of the universe, the initial big explosion etc. There are various inadequate explanations. Multi-Level model of the Universe is the only model which doesn’t have any problem with big-bang, expansion of the Universe, end of the Universe, black holes, quasars and other similar phenomena.

Multi-Level cosmological theory views our "Universe" simply as one level of a multi-level universe, and for an external observer as one black hole in this multi-level Universe. Whether we view it as a black-hole or as a Universe full of other black holes depends on the position of the observer. For an observer in a higher level of the Universe our Universe appears as a black hole. Infinitely small, infinitely dense, into which keeps falling more and more matter, escaping from his (higher) level of the universe. And this black-hole, i.e. our level of the universe, had it’s beginning in the viewpoint of the observer in the higher level of the universe when huge mass of matter got so big that it had created this black hole, for example in center of their galaxies.

For an internal observer, in our level of the universe, the point at which our level of the universe had been created, i.e. at which our black-hole had been created appears as the big-bang. The coollapse of the matter into our black hole for the external observer, appears for us, the internal observers as a big bang, as a huge explosion, as a huge expansion.

Why? The beginning of the black hole, when light (and matter, energy, space and time = SMET) loses it’s ability to go back and interact in normal manner with the higher level is a point at which this SMET in the black hole creates it’s own rules. Under these rules the space, which is one of the aspects of SMET (matter-energy...) belonging to the matter inside the black hole displays itself to the internal observer. Since this huge amount of space trapped inside the black hole is no longer the subject of the rules of the higher level of the universe it displays itself to the internal observer. And this display of the space (one aspect of SMET) to the internal observer appears as a space-explosion. So we should no longer define the big-bang as a explosion of matter, but as an explosion of space.

In any level of the universe a big star contains not only a lot of matter and appears to be heavy, but contains also a lot of space which is one of the aspects of matter (SMET) and which cannot be separate and exist separately from matter. This concentration of space inside a star can be measured as space curvature. However when the star gets so big that it becomes a black hole, the space trapped in this star now displays itself to the internal observer within that black hole as a big-bang, i.e. a space explosion.

As more and more matter keeps falling into the black hole, for an observer inside that black hole it appears that his level of the universe keeps expanding, because with the falling matter falls into the black hole also the appropriate amount of space, which is an inseparable aspect of matter (SMET).


One-Level cosmological model of the universe has been until recently the only accepted model of the universe, just like in the middle ages flat-earth theory has been the only acceptable theory. This One-Level view of the universe had been crushed by the Multi-Level Cosmological model postulated by Mark Hucko in 1984. Perhaps the modern day inquisitors will cry out to burn Mark Hucko at stake as their predecessors had burned Galileo Galilei.

The One-Level cosmological model of the universe has many variants, big-bang, expanding, steady-state, pulsating, etc. Yet neither one of these models can fully explain all the natural phenomena not even the Big-Bang explosion which they view as the start of the universe. For example the Big-Bang and similar theories describe the Big-Bang as a huge explosion of matter at the beginning of the Universe. On the other hand the Multi-Level theory explains it as a space-explosion, caused by the beginning of our level of the universe which had begun as a black-hole in the higher level of the universe. So the moment which the observers in the higher level of the universe observed as a collapse of matter into a black hole, observers in our level of the universe observed as a big-bang, as a space-explosion creating our level of the universe.

Contrary to pulsating model of the Universe, the Multi-Level model views the end of our universe a time when all the matter, all the black holes within our level of the universe, collapse into one mother-black hole, which will swallow everything in our level of the universe, including the entire level. But there is nothing to worry about. The beginning of that mother black hole which will eventually swallow the entire level of our universe was the beginning of a new level of the universe which had been observed from inside of that black hole as a "big-bang". And so on.

Mark Hucko can be contacted at fax nr:  +1-206-666-2469

The information about Multi-Level Cosmology can be copied into Wikipedia.

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